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While some may assign some level of political importance to the results of a Gallup poll about the most admired people in America that put Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton at the top, I’m aghast at the near lack of entertainers and nerdy icons. Yes, we have Oprah and Saint Angelina Jolie, but no Harrison Ford? That dude made the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs and he was both Indiana Jones and our first President to take terrorism on with both barrels.
How about Ghostbuster, kindly weatherman, fake veteran, kickball all-star, and karaoke wild man Bill Murray? Nothing? That’s bullsh*t.
Besides Oprah and Jolie, the rest of the list is chock full of current and former world leaders, religious leaders, and business icons. Celebrity-obsessed culture, my ass.
Here’s the full list, in order of the percentage of people who mentioned them when questioned.
Gallup’s Most Admired Woman:
Hillary Clinton (12%), Oprah Winfrey, Malala Yousafzai, Condoleeza Rice, Michelle Obama, Angelina Jolie, Sarah Palin, Princess Kate, Elizabeth Warren, Laura Bush.
Gallup’s Most Admired Man:
Barack Obama (19%), Pope Francis, Bill Clinton, Rev. Billy Graham, George W. Bush, Ben Carson, Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, Bill O’Reilly, Benjamin Netanyahu, Vladimir Putin.
Wow, Vladimir Putin? That’s a little weird unless you assume that people are admiring him solely for his rocking little body and all of his bear fighting adventures. Anyway, there he is on the list. Unsurprisingly, Kim Jong Un did not place on the list, but I think we can thank Seth Rogen and James Franco for pulling the paper wings off of that flying horse.
Source: Gallup