In what should come as zero surprise to anyone, Sarah Palin might lack compassion towards living creatures. On New Year’s Day, she posted the following photos of her 6-year-old son Trig standing on top of the family dog. Whether or not this constitutes animal cruelty is debatable, but this kid definitely looks way too big to be standing on a dog. Not that a kid of any age or size should be standing on a dog in the first place.
Despite the fact that the post somehow amassed over 50,000 likes in less than twenty four hours, many of the 12,000+ comments were left by people predictably horrified by the photos. Here’s just a handful of the many, many outraged examples:
Entirely not shocking from her. She shouldn’t be responsible for a pet rock. And the dog can’t move with a child standing on its abdomen. Just because it tolerates it, does not make it fair nor right. That’s when adults should be the RESPONSIBLE PARENT and teach the child appropriate boundaries
OMG make him get off that poor dog!!!! What’s wrong with you to allow your child to do this. Teach your child to respect animals they have feelings too and can feel pain!!
I’m a Conservative Republican and I will say this is absolutely abusive. Animals are people pleasers and will do anything their people want them to do, this is sad that Sarah can’t teach her children to respect animals personal space..this type of thing is something that can turn into a tragedy for the dog AND the child. Setting both up for failure. UGH.
Sarah, I love you too bits but as an animal lover this is SO not cool and absolutely sends Trig the wrong message on how to treat animals.
Hmm, I wonder if your pictures could be used as evidence that you treat your dog inhumanely? Your little boy doesn’t know this is wrong, but you should!
Sarah I love you but this was a bad move all the way around. First you shouldn’t have let it happen. You should have stopped him from hurting the dog or getting hurt. Second why on earth would you post it?
The best is that so many comments were coming not from trolls, but from people who legitimately do support Sarah Palin — as though they’re actually surprised that Sarah Palin would post something somewhat cruel and dumb. It’s like, is this your first day of Sarah Palin?
Via Mediaite