If this woman looks familiar to you, congratulations, you probably watch a lot of porn. Lisa Ann, famous for her role as Sarah Palin in “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin?” showed up to last night’s New York Knicks game with a man 23-years younger than her. And oh yeah, he’s Justin Brent, a freshman WR for Notre Dame.
According to TMZ:
Brent, who’s just a freshman, mind you … took 42-year-old Lisa Ann to the Knicks game at MSG where they were all over each other during what our sources say was an official date.
We’re told they met earlier this year while Lisa was traveling, and in a cougar hall of fame move — she made the first move and gave Brent her number.
I looked around on Lisa Ann’s Instagram for other pics of Justin Brent but came up empty. Also, I got distracted. Also, it was surprisingly safe for work. So have at it if that’s your thing.
Lisa Ann is an 11-time award winning adult film star, famous for her work in the MILF genre. I’ve always wanted to write that sentence. So thank you everyone.
Justin Brent is on a bye this week. This should do wonders for Notre Dame recruiting.