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Listen, we can call this the Palin Family Brawl if you want but the ‘Thrilla in Wasilla’ has a much better ring to it. Regardless of the name, new details have emerged from the scuffle and boy oh boy was this an Alaskan brouhaha. After celebrating Todd Palin’s birthday, the family headed to a party hosted by their friend, Korey Klingenmeyer. At some point, in a drunken stupor, Korey pushed Bristol Palin to the ground and called her some pretty nasty names.
In Bristol’s own words:
“…came out of nowhere and pushes me on the ground, takes me by my feet, in my dress—my thong dress—in front of everybody. Come on you c*nt, get the f*ck outta here! Come on you sl*t get the fu*k outta here.’
Here’s the audio released by South Anchorage police. You can hear Sarah Palin get involved at one point, asking officers why they aren’t talking to the people responsible for the fight. “They let the guys go.”
There were clearly no winners in this fight, lots of losers from the sounds of it. Moreover, the question we’re all asking is: “What the hell is a thong dress and why was Bristol Palin wearing one during a drunken fight?”