Saturday Night Live/NBC/Broadway Video
It’s always nice to see Tina Fey pop up as Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live, isn’t it? Not only do we get Fey in Palin mode (right down to the fascinating bolero jacket), but it also serves as a silver lining for the portion of the audience that gets nervous whenever the former VP hopeful’s in the news. Fey’s performance tends to score some pretty favorable reviews, but the daughter of the woman she’s playing isn’t feeling the performance. At least, not in 2016.
Bristol Palin knocked out a brief but punchy blog post that popped up on Patheos yesterday slamming the Weekend Update alum’s performance. The 25-year-old Alaskan took issue with Fey’s accent (“like nails on a chalkboard”) and claimed that Fey’s impression sounded nothing like her mom’s. There’s also a poll where you can cast your vote on who wore the sketch/speech’s sparkly number better. Bristol says her mom “trumps (Fey) in the looks department,” so do with that what you will. Voters seem to disagree with her assessment and have given the writer/actress 69% of the vote in the “Who Wore It Better?” showdown.
Bristol shared with her readers that she considers the return of Fey in this role to be a failing on the part of Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live and Fey have been clinging to this impersonation a little too long. It’s getting pathetic. Its been 7 years! Are they desperate for content? Or just desperate for viewers?
It’s sort of perplexing what Bristol Palin is driving at here. Is she suggesting the long-running comedy program would have more integrity if someone else dropped by as Sarah Palin or is it more of a roundabout “please stop making fun of my mom” thing? Maybe we’ll get Kate McKinnon taking the character for a spin one week and receive a definitive answer.
Shh! Don’t tell Bristol, but here’s this weekend’s Palin sketch just in case you missed it.
(via Patheos)