The most memorable “characters” for Tina Fey and Amy Schumer during their time on Saturday Night Live was likely Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton during the run in the 2008 election. Fey’s Palin in particular had some great influence on perception of the real Sarah Palin, which wasn’t really too hard to do in the first place.
So with their respective returns to the show — and since we’re in the middle of the 2016 campaign — it only makes sense for them to reprise the roles alongside current Hillary performer, Kate McKinnon. The funny part is how much the respective Hillary impressions are pretty spot on with their characterizations. Take the debate last night for example:
Hillary Clinton appealing to the Star Wars fans that weren’t watching the debate. She’s hip.
In the cold open of the show, we got our required recap of the GOP debate from this past week. The highlight here is another return to an iconic role: Darrell Hammond as Donald Trump. This one was more out of necessity than some special cameo — Taran Killam was busy playing the very unlikable Ted Cruz — but it was nice to see Hammond knock on Fake Jeb! for a bit. And Pete Davidson as some sort of wild-eyed Marco Rubio was fun, but not as fun as Jay Pharoah as Dr. Ben Carson pulling a Homer Simpson.

(Via SNL)